Elusive Home Security Window Bars Features to Consider Before Purchase

Total home security will require that you find the ideal security window bars.  Consequently, every purchase must be preceded by careful consideration of the bars that perfectly meet the needs of your application. Many people buying security window bars for the first time don't know what to look for and often have many questions about the purchase. Read through this article for some of the elusive yet crucial factors to consider about the window bars that you buy.

Extra Features

You are looking for extra security, you are advised to purchase bars with additional security and anti-burglar features. Some of the supplementary features to consider include:

  • Saw resistant roll bars
  • Hardware that is tamper resistant
  • Electronically secured locking mechanisms
  • Robust steel tubing
  • Durable coating and finish
  • Special features such as keyless locking systems and accompanying security screens to match with.

Extra Installations

Security bars are essential home security strategies. They, however, do not provide premium home security. For ultimate security, you might want to purchase subsidiary security tools alongside the security window bars. Such security installations may include:

  • Motion sensors - These are often light motion sensors that activate an alarm whenever someone gets too close to your windows or house.
  • Security camera - These come in numerous sizes and have varying complexity and features. You can easily find a camera to install alongside the security bars to help you monitor your home when you're absent, for instance, by streaming live video to your mobile device or PC.
  • Home security systems - These will not only secure your windows but your doors as well.

Child Safety

Home security window guards can be installed to prevent children and pets from falling off windows. This is an excellent consideration for parents with young kids. Having them installed gives you peace of mind by knowing that home intrusion is effectively prevented together with accidental and potentially injurious slip offs of pets and children.


For the security bars to be efficient, they have to fit perfectly into the window space and give space for the installation of security window screens. Window measurements are, thus, an important consideration when purchasing security window bars. If you are not certain about the ideal sizes, it is best to consult a reputable provider. You can also have a company come over and install the security bars in your home.

Home security bars are created differently; they all have features that make them better or worse than other competing products. Knowing what you want, and the level of security you desire will be essential when making a purchase.  The above points are, therefore, key considerations for anyone buying security window bars. For more information, contact Bonds Security Products.
