3 Hidden Benefits of Wireless Security Cameras

Home security systems have evolved rapidly to the extent that the average homeowners can install a CCTV camera without a professional's help. Wireless security cameras are an excellent example. Gone are the days when homeowners had to deal with intrusive cables running inside attics, floorboards, and walls. Besides eliminating the presence of unsightly wires in your home, how else do you benefit from wireless security cameras? Read on for more information.


The location of security cameras largely determines their performance. The reason is that certain sections of a house do not work well with cables due to increased chances of damage. For instance, the presence of a tree next to your windows represents a blind spot, which your security cameras must cover. The best way of achieving a wide coverage is by installing a security camera on the tree. It is easy with a wireless security camera since you do not have to worry about running cables from the tree through the paving. A wireless security camera provides homeowners with the flexibility of installing the device in any location for maximum security.


Security experts advise homeowners to install security cameras in open locations. It is helpful because the sight of a security camera deters potential burglars from targeting your home. However, the disadvantage of cabled cameras is that they are easy to identify and compromise. For instance, if burglars see a cable running from the roof to the lamppost at the gate, they will immediately know there is a camera on the post. Therefore, the burglars will approach your property from the back where you do not have any cameras. Wireless security cameras promote anonymity because nothing gives away their presence. It is easy to hide the cameras, making it difficult for burglars to decide how to break into your home.

Distant Transmission

The quality of security footage is crucial because it helps the police identify an object or person accurately. Although cabled cameras can transmit quality images, their range is limited to the length of cabling. Therefore, any images transmitted over long distances tend to deteriorate in quality. It means that homeowners must carefully choose where to install their security cameras based on the length of cables. Wireless security cameras are the exact opposite because they can transmit quality images over a long distance. Most importantly, you do not have to worry about installing cameras at specific intervals.
