Common Mistakes to Avoid During Security Patrol

While security cameras deter crime and prevent vandalism, using them as the sole security measure is not enough, particularly for extensive facilities. In addition to security cameras, such premises need to hire security guards to complement their security strategies. Since security guards can patrol premises, they keep burglars at bay, especially during the night. However, security patrol is not as simple as walking around the perimeter of a facility. Therefore, simple mistakes can lead to security breaches. This article highlights top patrol mistakes security guards must avoid.   

Using the Same Route — Typically, security personnel are assigned particular sections of a facility to keep guard. Therefore, guards inspect specific sections throughout their shift and record any suspicious activities. However, avoid using the same route over and over again, day after day. Using the same course during patrols only makes you predictable. In addition, it gives potential burglars a chance to plan a break-in. To keep burglars lurking in the distance guessing your next move, vary your routes during shifts. You should also consider backtracking your route occasionally to reduce the chances of burglaries.

Not Wearing Suitable Clothing — You cannot predict what will happen during a security patrol; therefore, you should prepare for the worst and expect the best. For instance, it could suddenly start raining, or you might encounter a large group of burglars where running would be the right thing to do. If you are not prepared for such scenarios with suitable clothing, you are in for a rough patrol. In this regard, always wear comfortable and fitting boots, a pair of trousers and a jacket or cardigan for the cold. Being comfortable allows you to make sound security decisions that protect your life and property.

Playing the Hero — Your job as a security guard is to protect a facility according to laid down guidelines. As such, therefore, you should do everything within your power to protect others and the property you are in charge of. However, it does not mean putting yourself in harm's way just because you want to be a hero. Attempting to act heroically in situations you are not trained in can lead to fatal outcomes. For instance, it would be a bad idea to confront a group of ten burglars climbing a perimeter wall, even if you have a gun. The best thing to do is stay back and call for backup. Ultimately, you should know your limits every time you patrol a facility.

For more information about security patrol, contact a local security service.
